Monday, November 1, 2010

Notes: Saturday-Monday, October 30-November 1, 2010 (part 2 of 2)

5. Fr. Zuhlsdorf on, among other things, another deficiency of the N.O.M. (this time in the changes to the main orations for the Mass of the Feast of the Kingship of Christ):

Again, the first part of the prayer [NEWER SUPER OBLATA (2002MR)] is same as the older. In the Latin there are minor changes, but it is effectively the same. The second part, however, shows the theological change desired by the snipping and pasting experts of Fr. Bugnini’s Consilium. In the older prayer there is an explicit appeal to “sacrifice” with also a strong verb “immolate”. This sacrificial language was removed from the newer prayer. But this prayer retains the reference “nations” (gentes).

See also the comments of Mr. Keener here for more on the Kingship of Christ.

6. An interesting observation by Dr. Brown on The Catechism of The Catholic Church's treatment of the death penalty

If I'm not mistaken, this is something which I too had noticed:

7. Interesting books reviewed/mentioned in the weekend papers

The Verso Book of Dissent
Preface by Tariq Ali
Verso 366pp, $29.95

[...] In Praise of Copying
By Marcus Boon
Harvard University Press285pp, $42.95


Also from The Weekend Australian:

HOW to write a press release with a straight face, a lesson in one sentence courtesy of Scribe publishers: "Scribe will be publishing The Australian Book of Atheism, edited by Warren Bonett, on November 22, just in time for Christmas."

Plus one book reviewed today at a blog:

A Review of Politics According to the Bible. By Wayne Grudem.

Zondervan, 2010. (Available in Australia at Koorong Books)

Reginaldvs Cantvar
All Saints' Day, A.D. 2010

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