Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Notes: Saturday, March 26-Tuesday, October 4, 2022 (part 2 of 2)

3: The JUDGMENT and DECREE OF THE University of Oxford Past in their Convocation July 21. 1683, Oxford, 1683

is available through the Oxford Text Archive (O.T.A.), Google Books, The London Gazette (Issue No. 1845, July 23-26, 1683), and the respective websites of The British Library, The University of Michigan Library, and The National Archives:

JUDICIUM & DECRETUM Universitatis Oxoniensis Latum in Convocatione habita Jul. 21. An. 1683 (Oxford, 1683) seems to be the original Latin of that Judgment, and is available through the O.T.A. and the aforementioned library websites:

Early English Books Online has the Latin book as well as two editions of the English translation; one of those two editions was published in Dublin and does not seem to be available elsewhere online, and the other edition is the one linked hereinbefore.

Labels: Democratism, morals, politics, regalism, St. Robert Bellarmine

4: Some recent objectionable pronouncements from The Pope

4.1: God "does not want to make decisions for us, or oppress us with a sacral power, exercised in a world governed by religious laws."

That quotation comes from the translated text of "the homily delivered by the Pope during the celebration of Vespers", contained in The Holy See Press Office's Daily Bulletin item "Apostolic Journey of His Holiness Francis in Canada – Vespers with bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated persons, seminarians and pastoral workers at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Québec, 28.07.2022":

The quotation is part of this excerpt:
God does not want us to be slaves, but sons and daughters; he does not want to make decisions for us, or oppress us with a sacral power, exercised in a world governed by religious laws. No! He created us to be free, and he asks us to be mature and responsible persons in life and in society.
Judging by the source for that Daily Bulletin item, I think that that passage is a translation of this section of the original Spanish of the homily in question:
Dios, en efecto, no nos quiere esclavos sino hijos, no quiere decidir en nuestro lugar ni oprimirnos con un poder sagrado en un mundo gobernado por leyes religiosas. No, Él nos ha creado libres y nos pide que seamos personas adultas, personas responsables en la vida y en la sociedad.
["Viaggio Apostolico di Sua Santità Francesco in Canada – Vespri con i Vescovi, i Sacerdoti, i Diaconi, i Consacrati, i Seminaristi e gli Operatori Pastorali presso la Cattedrale di Notre-Dame de Québec, 28.07.2022",
The only media organ to highlight the anti-Integralist aspect of that homily seems to be Religion News Service, in the "News" report "God does not want ‘a world governed by religious laws,’ pope tells Canadian clergy", by Claire Giangravé, dated July 28, 2022:

Ms Giangravé was also the journalist who, during that Apostolic Journey's return-flight press conference, asked His Holiness about changing Church teaching on contraceptives:

Returning to that homily, I note that one of the problems with The Pope's anti-Integralism is that, pace His Holiness, a loving and conscientious Catholic father will, as far as reasonably possible within the scope of his authority, impose religious rules on his sons and daughters, and a loving and conscientious Catholic civil sovereign will, likewise, impose religious laws on his subjects; that is the paternal, not despotic, thing to do.

Labels: Confessional State, Francis Bergoglio, law, morals, politics, secularism

4.2: "the death penalty is morally inadmissible," and "in the light of the Gospel, the death penalty is unacceptable"

Those quotations come from the translation, in The Holy See Press Office's Daily Bulletin item "Video of the Holy Father with the prayer intention for the month of September, disseminated via the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, 31.08.2022", of the transcript of H.H. The Pope's message in that video:

The quotations seems to translate "moralmente, la pena di morte è inadeguata" and "alla luce del Vangelo, la pena di morte è inammissibile", respectively, judging by that Daily Bulletin item's original Italian ("Video del Santo Padre con l’intenzione di preghiera per il mese di settembre diffusa attraverso la Rete Mondiale di Preghiera del Papa, 31.08.2022", in which the transcript's original language is given as Italian, too):

The official website of The Pope's Worldwide Prayer Network has these pages, available through its "Resources" page: "September prayer intention 2022", "2022–9–TPV–Script–For the abolition of the death penalty", "2022–09–TPV–Press Release-For the abolition of the death penalty", "TPV- For the abolition of the death penalty – Infographic", and "TPV – For the abolition of the death penalty – Poster", with the content of those pages also available, in one form or another, on the page "SEPTEMBER | For the abolition of the death penalty" (dated, like the preceding resources, August 31, 2022) at the official website of an operation—namely, The Pope Video—of that Network:

Labels: death penalty, Francis Bergoglio, morals

5: "it was this act[, namely, the Quebec Act,] that moved the Americans to form and attend the First Continental Congress in the first place!"

That quotation (excluding my square-bracketed interpolation) comes from this passage (excluding my ellipses (a square-bracketed one indicates the omission of a whole paragraph) and square-bracketed interpolation) in "Catholicism and the American Founding", by Prof. Bradley J. Birzer, July 3, 2021, at The Catholic World Report's website:
… With the passage of the Quebec Act, they[, namely, "French Roman Catholics living in Quebec",] could practice their Catholicism without political hinderance. Parliament saw this act, rightfully, as a liberal act, having next to nothing to do with the affairs of the Protestants to the south. Americans in the thirteen colonies not only saw it as a direct attack on their faith, but it was this act that moved the Americans to form and attend the First Continental Congress in the first place!


Not surprisingly, given the terrible (if ridiculous) reputation that Catholics had among Protestants as being the evil purveyors of darkness, oppression, and superstition, the very first act of the Continental Congress was to pass a condemnation of liberalization of restrictions on Roman Catholics. With the almost unanimous backing of the New England colonies, the condemnation found widespread support, especially from John Jay and Alexander Hamilton of New York, and Richard Lee of Virginia.


It must be noted that the First Continental Congress was not some fly-by-night revolutionary committee of radicals. It was, instead, the very first meeting of the U.S. Congress, still, institutionally, of course, in existence through this day.
See also item 2 of my "Notes: Thursday, January 1-Monday, February 2, 2015": 

(The Spectator link there is now dead, but this one works:

and that book review is also available, in one form or another, through Trove, Gale Research Complete, NewsBank, and ProQuest. As for item 2's hyperlinked comment by me at a now-removed blog, that comment contained a quotation from The Catholic Church in the Modern World: A Survey from the French Revolution to the present, by Mr. E. E. Y. Hales, published by Eyre & Spottiswoode in association with Burns & Oates, London, 1958.)

Labels: Canada, Church and State, history, U.S.A.

6: "Not until the mid-1960s did people begin to realise that, in addition to the concentration camps, there were also death camps whose only purpose was extermination. Even the term "the Holocaust" was not used widely until the late 70s."

That quotation comes from the book review "Germany's African colony was a laboratory for genocide", by Jim Davidson, on p. 24 of the "Review" supplement of The Weekend Australian, January 15-16, 2011, available through ProQuest and NewsBank, and formerly available at The Australian's website via this U.R.L.:

Prof. Davidson is or at least has been a professional historian, according to the profiles on him from AustLit, Trove, Melbourne University, and what seems to have been at the time of that book review his most recent book (namely, A Three-Cornered Life, available through ProQuest's Ebook Central): 

Labels: history, Jews, Nazism

Reginaldvs Cantvar
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Confessor, A.D. 2022

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