Monday, April 11, 2011

Notes: Tuesday, April 5-Monday, April 11, 2011

1. A few items regarding Russia and/or the Russian Orthodox Church

1.1 Significant recent Russian space mission carried "an icon presented by the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church"

Labels: R.O.C., Russia

1.2 "In Russia, the dissolution of the Soviet Union led initially to a more world-oriented curriculum in the 1990s, with an emphasis on ''common human values'', but more recently, in line with Russia's foreign policy, it has been moving back to a more national and patriotic story"

Labels: Russia

1.3 "Russian prelate says 'godless' West doomed to collapse"

Labels: R.O.C., Russia, secularism

2. A few items regarding Ireland

2.1 "Irish Minister says religion in schools is a waste of class time"

Not without disagreement, though:

"Former Irish prime minister defends religious instruction"

Labels: catechesis, education, Ireland

2.2 "Irish State to seize religious order’s property to pay victim’s comp"

Labels: Ireland

2.3 "Irish report argues against hasty government takeover of Church-run schools"

Labels: education, Ireland

3. "The Roman Catholic Church is the official state Church in Monaco"

I did not know that that was the case.

Labels: Church and State, Monaco

4. Gay man reflects on the implications which legalising 'gay marriage' has for legalising polygamy

Labels: G.L.B.T., marriage, morality, polyamory

5. Dr. Brown on the theology of the Blessed Sacrament

Labels: Sacraments, theology

6. "With the battle over legalised euthanasia touch and go in South Australia and Tasmania, the president of the Australian Nursing Federation, Coral Levett, has taken the extraordinary step of personally endorsing it"

This article is valuable for other nursing-and-euthanasia-related information in it, too:

Labels: euthanasia, nursing

Reginaldvs Cantvar
Feast of St. Leo I., Pope, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, A.D. 2011


R J said...

Your Eminence, for more information about how much of the vetting of priesthood candidates in Victoria was consigned (1969-1996) to an out-and-out homosexual abuser (in his private acts) and heretic (in his public statements), this article might be of interest:

One reason why the West is, humanly speaking, doomed is the trust it has placed for decades in "the Therapeutic State", from which all notions of original sin have been banished. The more bishops look to "therapists" for advice on seminary admissions, the more this is true.

Cardinal Pole said...

Thanks R J, I'll check that link out shortly.

Matthias said...

Thank you Cardinal for putting up the item on the president of the Australian Nursing Federation's stance on euthanasia. I shudder if the membership follows what she believes. I use to work for that uNION ,but am no longer a member. In fact my students form TAFE who I taught in Disability courses are far more advocates of pro life than some nurses I know. Makes me think if I was dying I would rather have them look after me than a nurse with a needle and a deadly look in their eye

Cardinal Pole said...

"Thank you Cardinal for putting up the item on the president of the Australian Nursing Federation's stance on euthanasia."

You're welcome, Matthias.