Monday, May 9, 2011

Notes: Wednesday, May 3-Monday, May 9, 2011 (part 1 of 2)

1. Mr. Muehlenberg with some of Prof. Singer's statements

Labels: Peter Singer

2. The anti-sodomite measures of St. Pius V.

Labels: death penalty, G.L.B.T., law, morality, St. Pius V. Ghisleri

3. Two recent Russian developments

3.1 "Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said that measures must be taken in the Russian Federation to boost the birth rate"

Labels: Russia, Vladimir Putin

3.2 "[A] plan by the Russian Orthodox Church to construct 200 churches in the Russian capital"

Labels: R.O.C.

4. Mr. Muehlenberg and others on, among other things, how to react to the death of an evildoer

and the comment of 5.5.11 / 6am by Dr. Sarfati here:

Labels: death penalty, morality, Scripture, theology

5. Some of the actions of the late Mme. Nhu
... after winning a seat in the National Assembly in 1956, [she] pushed through measures that increased women's rights. She also orchestrated government moves to ban contraceptives and abortion, outlaw adultery, forbid divorce and close opium dens and brothels.
Labels: Tran Le Xuan

Reginaldvs Cantvar
Feast of St. Gregory Nazianzen, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church, A.D. 2011

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