1. On recent Australian Government treatment of de facto marriages compared to (recent Australian Government treatment of) de ivre ones
Can anyone provide an answer to this recent comment of mine at Mr. Schütz's blog?
Labels: marriage, taxation
2. Some information regarding Catholic schools in England and Wales
Labels: Catholic schools
3. According to Cardinal Tauran, "[r]eligious freedom necessarily includes immunity from coercion by any individual, group, community or institution"
(That message came to my attention via VIS 20111020 (300), "CHRISTIANS AND HINDUS: PROMOTING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM", an item in a recent edition of the Vatican Information Service's daily e-mail bulletin.)
Labels: Jean-Louis Tauran, religious liberty, Roman Curia
4. Pius XII. on the death penalty
(section 33)
(That came to my attention via this comment in the combox of this recent blog post by Prof. Feser.)
Labels: death penalty, morality, Pius XII. Pacelli
5. Some recent information:
5.1 On Australian demography:
Labels: demography, marriage, social trends
5.2 On world demography:
Labels: demography
6. "That [I.C.E.L.] translation [of John Paul II.'s 1990 revision of Paul VI.'s ordinal for priestly ordination] was so bad that in 1997 the Congregation for Divine Worship issued in response a letter of a harshness that [Fr. Zuhlsdorf] had never seen before from any dicastery of the Holy See"
Labels: I.C.E.L., Priesthood, Roman Curia, Sacraments
Reginaldvs Cantvar
All Hallows' Eve, A.D. 2011
Can anyone provide an answer to this recent comment of mine at Mr. Schütz's blog?
Labels: marriage, taxation
2. Some information regarding Catholic schools in England and Wales
Labels: Catholic schools
3. According to Cardinal Tauran, "[r]eligious freedom necessarily includes immunity from coercion by any individual, group, community or institution"
(That message came to my attention via VIS 20111020 (300), "CHRISTIANS AND HINDUS: PROMOTING RELIGIOUS FREEDOM", an item in a recent edition of the Vatican Information Service's daily e-mail bulletin.)
Labels: Jean-Louis Tauran, religious liberty, Roman Curia
4. Pius XII. on the death penalty
(section 33)
(That came to my attention via this comment in the combox of this recent blog post by Prof. Feser.)
Labels: death penalty, morality, Pius XII. Pacelli
5. Some recent information:
5.1 On Australian demography:
Labels: demography, marriage, social trends
5.2 On world demography:
Labels: demography
6. "That [I.C.E.L.] translation [of John Paul II.'s 1990 revision of Paul VI.'s ordinal for priestly ordination] was so bad that in 1997 the Congregation for Divine Worship issued in response a letter of a harshness that [Fr. Zuhlsdorf] had never seen before from any dicastery of the Holy See"
Labels: I.C.E.L., Priesthood, Roman Curia, Sacraments
Reginaldvs Cantvar
All Hallows' Eve, A.D. 2011