Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Notes: Friday-Tuesday, July 9-13, 2010

Mr. Magister on recently-published books by Prof. Amerio and Msgr. Gherardini and H.H. The Pope's expected attitude towards them


Msgr. Williamson on the Vatican-S.S.P.X. doctrinal discussions


More on G.L.B.T. aged care


I'm still trying to work out what all these 'gay-specific ageing issues' are which require this extra funding and attention. I checked out the provided U.R.L. for the GLBTI Retirement Association but I'm still none the wiser.

Reginaldvs Cantvar


Matthias said...

Cardinal the issue of 'gay specific" aged care is a load of cow dung. The Aged care Act,the OHS aCT and yes nursing ethics would see any compromising of care- to gay or straight as being unethical. What is happening is that the GLBT want to try and set an agenda in aged care when there is really none to be set .

Cardinal Pole said...

"the issue of 'gay specific" aged care is a load of cow dung ... What is happening is that the GLBT want to try and set an agenda in aged care when there is really none to be set ."

Hear, hear.