Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Notes: Tuesday, February 28-Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1. "After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?", by Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva:


(That U.R.L. came to my attention via this True Catholic thread.)

See also "An open letter from Giubilini and Minerva":


(That came to my attention, indirectly, via this AQ comment.)

And in Mr. Bolt's opinion piece on that Journal of Medical Ethics article, he mentions some cases of late-term abortion.

Labels: abortion, infanticide, morality

2. "Six specialised teams, each with a doctor, are criss-crossing the Netherlands to carry out euthanasia on patients at home whose own doctors refuse to do so."


Labels: euthanasia

3. "Rick Santorum and the Kingship of Christ"


Labels: Church and State, Confessional State, morality, political science, Social Reign of Christ



Labels: B'nai B'rith, Freemasons, Jews

5. "Statistics Canada reports the prevalence in the country of homosexuals, lesbians and bisexuals to be 1.5% of the population."


(That came to my attention via this AQ thread.)

Labels: demography, G.L.B.T.

6. "The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the prohibition of adoption to non-married couples is not discriminatory, because it applies to both heterosexual and homosexual couples equally[, and] has also ruled that homosexual “marriage” is not a right under the European Convention on Human Rights"


(That web-page came to my attention via this True Catholic thread; there is also an AQ thread about it.)

Labels: E.C.H.R., G.L.B.T., marriage

Reginaldvs Cantvar

1 comment:

Cardinal Pole said...

Regarding item 6: "The ruling has also said, however, that if same-sex couples are allowed to marry, any church that refuses to marry gay couples will be guilty of discrimination."
That Scottish Catholic Observer article came to my attention via this CatholicCulture.org article (and that CatholicCulture.org article came to my attention via this AQ thread).]