Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Notes: Saturday-Tuesday, September 18-21, 2010

"Bishop Fellay Sends Bouquet of Rosaries to His Holiness for the Consecration of Russia on June 24th 2010 Feast of Saint John the Baptist"


Mr. Carlton on a bygone era

(the second of the three items at the web-page to which that link leads)

Prof. Bagaric on euthanasia

Interesting to see Prof. Bagaric's reasons for his opposition to its legalisation here, given that he thinks that "from the perspective of the parties directly involved in euthanasia (the patient and health worker), the practice is not inherently objectionable":


(Interesting to see that The Sydney Morning Herald is opposed too, though the three letters on the matter which it has published today are all supportive. Check those letters out if you want to refresh your memory of the standard arguments for it so that you can be ready to refute both their logic and their rhetoric.)

Interesting books reviewed in the weekend papers

Just one this week (and a brief review at that):

"Einstein: A Hundred Years of Relativity
"Andrew Robinson, ed.
"Palazzo, 256pp, $29.99"

Two interesting speeches by politicians

Mentioned by Mr. Phillip Adams in his column in last Saturday's edition of The Weekend Australian Magazine (apparently not available on-line, so my transcript of the excerpt follows):

I remember Billy McMahon delivering the speech of his life, supporting a woman's right to choose abortion. Ditto Edward Heath in the Commons denouncing capital punishment.
["Spare the whip", The Weekend Australian Magazine, September 18-19 2010, p. 3]

I would be interested to read the text of those speeches.

Reginaldvs Cantvar
Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist, A.D. 2010

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